biking and...

Ninth time?  All righty, then!

Has it been eight bike trips to Europe already?  You’d think we’d be sick of it by now, but apparently not!

A quick post, then, to test if WordPress still works.  Maybe this will be the year I actually keep up blogging for more than a week…

So!  Tickets are booked – we fly in to Prague (Prague!) and out of Venice (Venice! Again!).  We?  As always, Scootah is in, and once again we have Marty joining us for the first couple of weeks.  It will be a day or so in Prague, after which we’ll train to Linz on the Danube river, where the biking begins.  If the weather cooperates, we hope to bike up the Danube to Passau, then south up the Salzach river to Salzburg and onwards into the Alps.  With the help of a couple tunnels and a train we’ll avoid the heavy climbing, and practically coast down to the plains north of Venice:

That should take us a couple of weeks; Marty then flies home and Scootah and I spend another week biking around Italy somewhere.

Or, that’s the plan, anyways…