I’ve built a guitar from a kit before, and have collected parts for another one, so I’m using social isolation to attempt a ‘from scratch’ complete electric guitar build…
In the last post, I discussed how I might add the dots to the neck's fret board. I might also bind the neck, which might sound restrictive, but is actually…
It's been a few days or so since the last update, partially due to other commitments, and partially due to not really completing any single thing to the point that…
Next up is the fretboard - that top part you put your fingers on... OK, I said I was building a guitar from scratch, but maybe not completely from scratch.…
Le Home Depot! Neck material is a 6' x 3-1/2" maple board from le Home Depot. This is an upgrade from the original Dano's poplar neck. A slight issue is…
I found rough template drawings on the intertoobs, and made up a routing template out of cheap pressboard. Fun fact: the Danelectro is actually made out of a plywood core…
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