Once finished, I guess the excitement is over... The guitar has been essentially done for about a month now, and I've never gotten around to posting about it! We left…
I have mentioned "the Telecaster" a few times - this is now almost two Telecasters. My first foray into guitar building was a Grizzly Telecaster-style guitar kit. This had everything…
I'm going to need a pickguard to mount all the electronics on, so first I have to design that.! I wish I could simply copy the design from the original…
Internet access has been a little spottier than expected, and (gasp) the last time I got online I spent it working... Where I am now doesn't seem to like me…
And do we! Tuesday? Hotel in Vancouver, so Marty and and Scott entertain themselves while I work to close out as much as I can before the flight. The flight?…
Into Vancouver last night, where we partook in much Yaletown Brewery goodness. A bit of work this morning while Scott and Marty did breakfast and whatever they do…
After six trips, the packing list is pretty well set. Sad, that, as it does cut down on the opportunities to buy new cool stuff (first world problems...) Aside from…
Home on the road is a 2006 Kona Sutra, with various upgrades made over the years as parts wore out (or were deemed not cool enough...). The Sutra is a…
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